RoscoLexiGatsbyJoey the TuxedoLouie the CalicoFinnegan the Golden RetrieverFred the Golden RetrieverSally the catDori Queen of Hearts Olive black catBogey the Shih TzuBowieMolly and JacksonKit the Outdoorsy GalHighly Professional Business Cat: CharlieHenriettaStellaDetroit Russells HarderMoo the tuxedo catDot tuxedo catZoe the BulldogBeautiful Queen Elizabeth style HollyRolloZoey the havaneseAbbey the SheltieBooZissouJennaHunterLouieBear Bear and MauriceBertHighly Professional PinkyPatchesZiggyPimento CheesePumpkinEbbyBrotherMooseBlue and LettySawyerBoonePfeffernüssePimento CheeseOslo P. JacksonFritzBearB. FreediaPinkyPretzelSambarTravisFwankCamillaMurphyCalvin and LavernePenelopeBentley, the Papillon Cat (The Prison City Kitty)Molly the Black Lab (watercolor)Sylvester, a Highly Professional Groomsman CatLucky the FrenchmanBogey the SphynxDevi the PoodleJaeger the ChihuahuaFibbyScoutMiss BeanieMogliBeuller and ButterRaul and NatalieSammy the Russian BlueCat ManJasper and EmmaBambi the ChihuahuaPinky PistachioBub FuzzinsWinstonsamson the dobermanRileyIchibanYoshimiBuzzRuruStingMeryl Calico Cat PortraitBette Dog PortraitLloydTobyPollyKamaMadisonPaquita“Doug the Siamese” was a Medium size commissionCoco ChanelKate, a 52 GirlCindy, a 52 GirlMercedes, a 52 GirlJoan, a 52 GirlBrenda, a 52 Girl
Why Lativ
Rollo the Frenchie
Rosco french bulldog
Lexi the chic lady
Gabby the explorer
Gatsby explorer cat with a bow tie and pawtagonia jacket
“Lativ has never been a concern since day one. It takes care of everything for you, so you can focus on the important things”
With Lativ Tracker, you’re able to measure physical data such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood glucose levels, your menstrual cycle and so much more.